
Showing posts from September, 2012

Ubuntu: MySQL import/export with gunzip

To export your mysql database simply do the following : mysqldump -u user -p database | gzip > database.sql.gz   And to import it : gunzip < database.sql.gz | mysql -u user -p database

Magento: Unable to list current working directory.

If you are experiencing this error : "Unable to list current working directory." when saving the product images you uploaded, simply change the permission of the media folder by doing like this : chmod -R 777 media

Magento: How to fix "The requested URL /index.php was not found on this server" error

If ever you're seeing an error like this when you go to your magento inner pages. This might fix your problem. In your .htaccess file you probably have something like this : RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php/$1 [L,QSA,PT] or RewriteRule .* /index.php [NS,L] If that is so, just simply remove the leading "/" from the index.php then save it. Refresh the page. And voila! The issue should be fixed now.

Ubuntu: How to install Compass

Just do the following and everything will be okay. sudo aptitude install rubygems (if aptitude doesn't work, you need to install it first by doing this: sudo apt-get install aptitude)   sudo gem install compass cd /usr/bin sudo ln -s /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/compass compass

Magento: How to create a configurable product with associated simple products

Step 1 - Create a simple product. Screenshot provided for clarity Screenshot provided for clarity Fill in all the required fields Screenshot provided for clarity Select configurable attributes Screenshot provided for clarity Set the "Visibility" to "Not Visible Individually" so that obviously this will not be visible in the frontend and if you are intending to only have configurable products in your store. Screenshot provided for clarity Don't forget to fill in the "Qty" and "Stock Availability" in the "Inventory" tab Screenshot provided for clarity and assign it to a specific category. Screenshot provided for clarity Then after filling all those fields, hit the "Save/Save and Continue" button Step 2 - Create a configurable product. Just follow the same process on Step 1. But th...

Magento : Add Custom Layout Template

Tested in CE and EE In app/design/frontend/base/<your_theme>/layout/page.xml (CE) or app/design/frontend/enterprise/<your_theme>/layout/page.xml (EE), you will see the custom page layout handles. Just copy any of them. E.g. :     <page_empty translate="label">         <label>All Empty Layout Pages</label>         <reference name="root">             <action method="setTemplate"><template>page/empty.phtml</template></action>             <!-- Mark root page block that template is applied -->             <action method="setIsHandle"><applied>1</applied></action>             <action method...